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The World of Tiny Cars

Tiny car

Small ride, fun ride. (Photo Credits)

Tiny cars may not carry much but they have their own set of advantages. They are easy to maneuver, less gasoline consumption, and at the same time, and they are not too hard to find a parking space for.    AutoGlass Safety Council

Speed Society featured in one of […]

By |December 5th, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on The World of Tiny Cars

All About Car Tracking Devices

The advantages of having a car tracking device
Lotus Elise

Installing a car tracking device can be a great decision. (Photo Credits)

Car tracking devices help ensure the safety of the driver, passengers, and the vehicle itself.

And as the technology for it becomes more modern, this device becomes all the more amazing.

The website Study Lifestyle for instance published […]

By |November 28th, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on All About Car Tracking Devices

When to replace windshield wipers

The importance of regularly replacing windshield wipers

Regularly replace them. (Photo Credits)

Windshield wipers are very important in ensuring a safe drive during the rainy and snowy weather.

Wipers, like any other car part or accessory are also subject to wear and tear and would need to be regularly replaced? But how does a vehicle owner know […]

By |November 21st, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair, Windshield Replacement|Comments Off on When to replace windshield wipers

Interesting Car Anecdotes

Heart-Warming Stories on Cars

When cars become vehicles for heart-warming stories. (Photo Credits)

People spend a lot of time inside their cars, and it is but natural that some extra ordinary events happen while being inside one.

Opposing Views shared the story of what seems to be a bad luck for one family, which turned out a good […]

By |September 17th, 2016|Auto Glass, Auto Glass News, San Diego, Windshield|Comments Off on Interesting Car Anecdotes

Car Waxing Tips

The advantages of using car wax
Corvette Ready For The Woodward Dream Cruise

Shiny and clean: just some of the many benefits of using car wax on a vehicle. (Photo Credits) 

Applying car wax can add up another step to cleaning a car, but it has its own advantages in terms of making a car appear a lot more cleaner and at the […]

By |September 10th, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair, Windshield Replacement|Comments Off on Car Waxing Tips

Car Cleaning Hacks

Quick and Efficient ways to keep the car clean

Car cleaning should be easy. (Photo Credits)

Car cleaning could either be something enjoyable or tasking. It actually depends on the vehicle owner if he or she has a natural penchant for cleaning, or if he or she is too busy and finds it as just another […]

By |September 3rd, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on Car Cleaning Hacks

Tips on selling a used car

Ways on how to quickly close that deal
Hothouse Green SS

Close that deal real quick. (Photo Credits)

Selling a used car may or may not be easy. Some private sellers are bound to be great at sales talk, some are so-so but have a great car that buyers think that the pre-owned vehicle is definitely a steal for […]

By |August 27th, 2016|Auto Glass, Auto Glass News, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on Tips on selling a used car

Tips on Buying Second Hand Vehicles

Getting a good quality car
Nissan Pulsar Vector Ti

The lowdown on buying second-hand vehicles. (Photo Credits)

Buying a second-hand vehicle could be a practical decision especially for those who may not want too much financial obligation if and when they could not afford a brand new car just yet.

The concern though is how to make sure that the vehicle […]

By |August 20th, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on Tips on Buying Second Hand Vehicles

The Dangers of Driving on Fresh Concrete

A Dangerous Drive
wet cement

What to do when the vehicle gets stuck in concrete. (Photo Credits)

Fresh concrete can be seen on the road, but sometimes accidents can still happen.

Fox26 for instance has documented a vehicle that drove through barricades that warn of freshly poured concrete on a section of a highway hat is being repaired. Windshield Wiki

“Their […]

By |August 13th, 2016|San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on The Dangers of Driving on Fresh Concrete

Quick Ways to Clean Car Windows

Fast ways to clean auto glass
Car cleaning

No room for dirt car windows. (Photo Credits)

Clean car windows always make a car look cleaner, shinier.

But there are times when vehicle owners have a hard time cleaning it, and making it shiny, and this happens especially during the winter.

The website Wonderful Engineering gave tips on how to quickly […]

By |July 30th, 2016|Auto Glass, San Diego, Windshield, Windshield Repair|Comments Off on Quick Ways to Clean Car Windows