Driving and Essential Oils
Be mindful about the essential oils that are being used in the car. (Photo Credits)
More and more families have come to realize the many benefits of using essential oils in their everyday life. Whether they are using it for wellness or healing some health concern, harnessing its many benefits have sprawled into a lot of areas in one’s life.
And since most people are on the road nowadays, using essential oils while driving has started to become popular.
Aromatherapy experts remind drivers to be cautious though about selecting the oils that they diffuse when driving.
Natural Living Ideas emphasized this to their readers. AutoGlass Safety Council
“Eucalyptus is great at cleansing the air and masking foul odors. However, it can be quite overpowering, and can make you restless. The right fragrance in the car should help the driver focus on the road, anticipate and recognize dangers and react to them quickly, and remove excessive anxiety and irritability.”
Read their whole article here.
Essential Oils to avoid while driving
The website Diet of Life came up with a list of essential oils that are best for driving. With the list came some of the EOs that should also be avoided. Windshield Wiki
“Such essential oils are lavender and chamomile. These plants have calming properties in general, regardless of the form, which you use. The chamomile tea is usually used by people who have problems in sleeping, and lavender relaxes the body to the point as in chamomile.”
Read the whole material here.
Related Windshield Repair and Replacement Services
For those who are looking at buying a diffuser especially for the car, Essential Oil Diffuser Hub came up with an extensive review of five car diffusers in the market today.
“Investing in a diffuser for your car is the perfect way to not only boost your mood while driving but alleviate the symptoms of various health conditions. Let’s look at some other benefits. (1) Sinus relief; (2) Relief from anxiety; (3) Anti-depressant properties; (4) Moisturized lips and skin; (5) Air purification; (6) Throat protection.”
Check out their whole review here.
Use essential oils with caution when choosing to diffuse while driving.