Homemade Window Cleaner is Non-Toxic and Very Affordable
You no longer have to spend much in buying expensive glass cleaners, you can use a homemade formula. (Photo Credits: Dno1967b, cc: Some Rights Reserved)
Cleaning your Car Glass Window need not be expensive as you do not need to reach for costly glass cleaners. Many homemade and do-it-yourself glass cleaners are just as effective in ensuring your car glass windows remains shiny and spot-free. Ford Windshield Repair san diego
Three Easy-to-Make DIY Glass Cleaner Formulas
Care2.com shared this recipe for a nice, non-toxic, and streak-free glass window cleaner. mobile windshield service. “I used an old glass cleaner spray bottle, Give (all the ingredients) a really good shake to mix it up and keep it from curdling. Mine did have a couple of white chunks in it after a couple of weeks, but it still worked beautifully and doesn’t seem to be a problem.”
Read the whole procedure here.
livesimplyme.com also uses vinegar as one of the main ingredients for its version of the DIY Cleanser. Other than that though the author uses a different set of ingredients. She promises a fresh-smelling and sparkly windows in no time using her DIY Formula. “Using the vinegar and rubbing alcohol already found in our homemade cleaning arsenal, this cleaner can be made in just five seconds (really! I promise…five seconds) and costs just pennies for an entire bottle.”
Read the whole article here. cheap windshield replacement san diego ca
Thefrugalnavywife.com meantime uses ingredients mainly found in the kitchen cupboards. Her window cleaning solution she says is a great money-saver. ”This window cleaner can be made for pennies! I get my dawn dish soap on sale for 49¢ a bottle and the vinegar I can pick up 32 oz for under $1 so the money saved with this homemade window cleaner is HUGE”
See the step-by-step guide here.
With those three homemade DIY Glass Cleaner recipe, you never have to spend so much again on cleaning your car windows and wind shields.