Windshield Chips and Ice

Ice Snowman

Ice Snowman. Call us to get your windshield repair done before you drive into the ice!

Year round San Diego is typically a rather warm area, the temperatures don’t get too high or too low. Ice is something that is extremely rare to encounter and often only comes during the winter, if then even. If you live in San Diego, then you probably won’t be experiencing ice unless you decide to travel elsewhere. It is important to know that if you drive a car that has a crack in the windshield, then exposing it to ice will increase the chances of the crack spreading.

Ice will crack your auto glass if you let it

If there is one thing that will cause a windshield to crack, it’s going to be ice. An unrepaired windshield with a crack in it will become vulnerable to the ice because the crack becomes a weak spot. That weak spot could widen if a defroster is turned on and warm air blows on the cold glass. The large temperature difference between the outside of the auto glass and the inside causes it to expand even further. Also, if you try to scrape the ice off the windshield using an ice scraper or something of the sort, then you could exacerbate the problem and cause the crack to widen further. This is why it is very important that you check to see if you have any existing cracks in your windshield, and if you do you need to get your windshield repair done as soon as possible. In case you are nowhere near an auto glass shop and won’t be able to repair the glass before the ice hits then there is something else you can do. First, when you get into the car do not turn the defroster for the windshield on. Second, you are going to want to turn the floor heater of your car on. Turning on the floor heater is going to heat up the car slowly which will attempt to decrease the wide temperature gap on the outside of the windshield and on the inside so that the existing crack does not widen. Get a Windshield replacement in SAn Diego, CA here at Carglass1! Low Prices Every day!

Ice Windshield repair tips

  1. Do not turn on your defroster if your windshield has ice and you have an existing crack.
  2. Do not use a windshield ice scraper to scrape ice off your car, you could cause the crack to widen.
  3. When you get into the car you need to turn on the floor heaters so that the car heats up slowly and the temperature discrepancy between the inside and outside won’t be so high.

Ice can cause cracks to widen on windshields. Get your repair done before it is too late.

Here at www.CARglass1.COM we specialize in windshield repair we also specialize in providing san diego car window replacement by carglass1


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